
गाँजा तस्कर गर्ने ५ जना पक्राउ

लागुऔषध अनुसन्धान विभागले ठुलो संख्यामा गाँजा तस्कर गर्ने योजना विफल पारिदिएको छ । विभागले एसियन मुलका ५ जनाको समुहलाई १०० केजी गाँजा सहित पक्राउ गरेको छ ।

समूहले ठुलो संख्यामा देशभित्र गाजा तस्करी संगै बिक्री गर्ने गरेको सुचनाको आधारमा विभागले टोली खटाई अनुसन्धान सुरु गरेको थियो । जसबाट अभियुक्तहरुको गोदाममा रहेको मार्बल बोक्ने कार्गो कन्टेनर भित्र लुकाई राखेको अवस्थामा १९२ प्याकेज गाँजा बरामद गरिएको थियो ।

अभियुक्तले आफ्नो गल्ती स्वीकारे संगै आवश्यक कानुनी प्रक्रियाका लागि उनिहरुलाई हाल थुनामा राखिएको आन्तरिक मन्त्रालयले जनाएको छ ।


After obtaining an order from the Public Prosecution to search the warehouse and arrest the gang members, officers of the General Directorate of Drug Control raided the warehouse when the gang started cutting the containers to extract the drugs.

“The defendants were arrested in ‘flagrante delicto’ (caught in the act of committing an offence) and the narcotic substances were extracted from the containers. The hashish confiscated from the containers weighed about 100 kilograms and were packed inside 192 cylindrical envelopes.

On interrogation, the defendants confessed to the crime of smuggling and storing narcotic drugs for the purpose of trading in them. They also guided police to the rest of the gang members who were arrested. All the defendants were referred to competent authorities to complete the legal procedures.

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